Help support Reeds Spring Project Graduation by participating in Trivia Night.
Opportunities to help out:
- Trivia Night Table Sponsorships: $100 a table and you can sponsor as many tables as you want.
- All table sponsorships will need to donate a silent auction item as well.
- Table sponsorships will need to provide things they want at the table to decorate or to have available for event goers at the table
- Provide a few blurbs of what you would like us to say to the event goers on your behalf during the event and online during advertising.
- Trivia Night Silent Auction Donation\Sponsorship: This item will be placed online with you name several weeks leading up to the event and onsite the night of the event on the silent auction tables.
- Trivia Night Donation: You will be mentioned during advertising and during the event.
- Trivia Night Team: Tables of 6 are $25 a person and include a meal. There will be a silent auction, 50\50, a vendor selling Wolves swag, and much more.
For more information,
click here.